Guest Blog by Emma @ Beautyfolio - a green & natural beauty blog.
The past few years have been challenging to say the least so our self-care routines have become more important than ever as we continue to navigate day-to-day life…
A self-care routine is often associated with improving our appearance yet it is incredibly beneficial for our physical and mental health too. We can easily get caught up in the challenges and pressures of daily living that we forget our wellbeing and important me-time that is often illusive and very difficult to incorporate into our busy schedules. As Autumn brings darker nights
and cooler weather, i’ve got 5 easy ways to improve your self-care routine to help your overall mental and physical wellbeing - all without breaking the bank.
1 - A Essential Oil for Every Occasion
As we spend more time indoors during the cooler months hiding from the changeable weather, it can be a struggle to switch off or maintain focus. Essential oils in a diffuser, body oil, or pulse point oil can really help us get in the zone, whether it be unwinding in the evenings, encouraging concentration or energising the senses on a grey day. When taking a few moments for self-care,
a relaxing, calming blend can help you to switch off from daily challenges and help with your overall wellbeing. Key essential oils are lavender, neroli, chamomile and ylang ylang, but with so many options to explore, you are certain to find one that will be your go-to for relaxation.
2 - Hydration, Hydration, Hydration…
Drinking water and staying hydrated during the Autumn can be a struggle, yet with heaters and fires being turned up as the cooler weather hits, our bodies will really need the extra hydration. Water not only hydrates our skin from the inside out but also helps keep our minds alert and the cells within our bodies functioning better - a vital part of any self-care routine. As the cooler
weather hits, a great way to increase your water intake is to drink hot herbal or fruit teas that are caffeine free or simply add a slice of fruit to make water a little more palatable during the cooler months. As well as keeping our bodies hydrated on the inside, switching your skincare for more hydrating formulations can also help the effects of the harsher weather on your skin. Look out
for ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and glycerin if you find your skin feels dry or tight throughout the day, and if you are spending more time indoors, use a humidifier or small bowls of water around the room to help moisten the air.
3 - Pamper Time
Taking time out of your day to give yourself some me-time can sometimes seem like a major task but taking at least 10 minutes can really help our mental and physical health. Whether it be a soak in the bath, applying a face mask, going for a walk or reading a chapter of your favourite book, these moments of self indulgence will promote a relaxed mind, body and soul.
4. The importance of Sleep
Lack of sleep not only affects our mood and ability to function throughout the day but can also lead to greater feelings of anxiety and stress. Getting into a good bedtime routine is a great start, so dedicating time to your skincare routine for example will not only help your skin repair and rejuvenate overnight (they don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing!), but it will also help you relax before getting into bed. If getting to sleep is your problem then you are not alone, with 1 in 4 Brits admitting they find it difficult to drift off to sleep. Using a body massage oil before getting into bed can really help to relax your body and mind, especially if you opt for products containing lavender and chamomile for example. Finally, remember to ditch the phone from your bedtime routine. The blue light from your phone screen (and other electronic devices) has been scientifically proven to disturb sleep patterns. Try reading a book or journaling before bed to help unwind and quieten the mind so you can drift off and get the good night’s sleep you deserve.
5 - Digital Detox
As we spend less time outdoors, we may find ourselves embracing the digital world a little more during the cooler months. We live in a world where our phones have become a gateway to all aspects of our lives from social media, banking and shopping to catching up with your favourite tv shows, video calling loved ones and organising your schedule. There is always an email to
send, DM to respond to and then three hours later you’ve found yourself down the rabbit hole of dog videos, memes and following your neighbour's cat on Instagram. To improve your self-care routine, take a few hours away from your phone each day to enjoy the world and people around you, or simply reflect upon your achievements of the day (no matter how small they are). We
are constantly comparing ourselves, and our lives, to the perfection we see on social media which isn’t good for our mental health or self-esteem. Take some time for yourself - there is only one you, and you deserve to look and feel at your best with a self-care routine that will improve all aspects of your life.
I hope these tips help to improve your self-care routine as we transition into Autumn and remember in these tough times, it is more important than ever to take care of your wellbeing as well as those around you.
Emma @ Beauty Folio