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Cleaning Up Your Bathroom Habits

by Samantha McGowan

The cosmetics industry is definitely lacking when it comes to truly sustainable options, and with the recent release of Justine Jenkins book titled “sustainable beauty” it got me thinking about what more could be done by us as individuals. I think it’s probably obvious to everyone who knows “The Natural Beauty Pot” as a brand that being eco-friendly is at the forefront of our brand values so I wanted to let you in on some of our tips and tricks for a more sustainable bathroom in your home.

“It’s easy to think we are just individuals and our independent choices have no impact, but even one small change has a ripple effect and if there are more people like us those ripples eventually turn to waves.”  (extract from sustainable beauty by Justine Jenkins).

The first thing I would really recommend doing is taking regular stock of what products you already have, lots of us fail to finish our products leaving a range of half empty bottles in our wake. Make-up and skincare in particular are very trend based and it’s easy to fall victim to the excellent marketing of a must have product or trend in general. Thinking more carefully about what we actually need as appose to what we want is a great start when approaching sustainability.

The next thing I would recommend being more conscious of is your water use, less than 1% of water is accessible and safe for us to use. The average person in Northern Ireland uses around 145 litres of water per day, and with present projections predicting significant water deficits by 2050 its particularly prevalent we learn how to use water efficiently now, as well as this being useful for the future, it also reduces our carbon footprint now.

Showers, toilets, baths and bathroom sinks consume more than two-thirds (68%) of household water. So here’s a few ways to reduce the amount of water used by these things;

  • Try a shorter (maybe timed) shower with a more efficient shower head
  • Make sure to regularly check for slow leaks, or dripping taps
  • Get a cistern displacement device (lots of water companies give these away for free)
  • Don’t flush things that should be binned
  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth (a running tap uses up to 6 litres per minute)

A really simple yet effective change, add a recycling bin to your bathroom. Recyclable bathroom waste accounts for up to 40% of total landfill waste in the U.K.

Considering refill options or buying in larger size when purchasing often used items. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body oil or lotion and hand wash are all things which lend themselves really well to refill options and who doesn’t love an aesthetically pleasing bottle on display rather than loads of plastic.

If refill isn’t your thing or you want to go further and make even more swaps there are so many eco conscious alternatives to the things we use on a regular basis in our bathrooms. Ditching expensive disposable razors for a metal alternative, changing from a spray deodorant to a cream, or replacing disposable period products for some of the reusable options are all great places to start. There are also some great powder shampoo alternatives and some great bar shampoos and body washes as well.  

An added bonus is that some of these swaps is can actually save you money in the long run! I recommend not trying to do everything at once, a small change every so often when you can afford it isn’t long adding up to an almost waste free bathroom.

 What swaps have you made in your bathroom?