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Organic Beauty

Organic is a word that is thrown about the beauty industry a lot. The definition of organic is the growing of plants without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial chemicals.

Greenwashing is a term used to describe a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company's products are more environmentally sound. There are no regulations around using the term for natural or organic for cosmetic products. For example, a 100ml Lavender Hand Cream with 0.1% of organic lavender, they are within their right to label it “Organic Lavender Hand Cream”. And don't think for a second that if comes in a green and white bottle or in a brown paper bag that it is any different.

There are governing bodies out there such as the Soil Association and COSMOS which offer Organic Certification. For me as a small brand which consists of a team of one, they just have too many holes they want me to jump through and they charge royally for the pleasure. This may change down the line as the brand grows.

Another factor to think about is that not all ingredients can be organic – non-agricultural ingredients such salts, clays and minerals are not grown so therefore cannot be organic. And it is one of the main reasons you don’t find organic plastered all over The Natural Beauty Pot labels. The butters, carrier oils and essential oils I use are all organic (with the exception of Rose Damask as it is already so expensive the last 2.5ml bottle I seen was £24.95).

I would love to hear your thoughts do you opt for brands who use organic ingredients? Do you only buy from brands which have been certified?